Happy '15 to you!! Was 2014 as crazy for you as it was for me? Seems like life moves exponentially faster as the years fly by. So remember way back when - when most of my songs had something to do with slowing down, creating space in life, or taking the time to be human in a busy world....yeah, that's pretty much gone out the window for me! I find myself needing to heed my own advice of years past and find a way to slow down. Our society tends to glorify busy-ness, and I find myself I struggling to apply the wisdom I learned when life was slower-paced for me, as well as adding the wisdom I've gained in being a much-too-busy person immersed in pursuing a dream, raising a family, and growing a career. Thankfully, it all somehow works itself out in the music, and music always helps us slow down, calm the mind, and invigorate the heart. Here are some Tiernan-stats from last year - I performed 140 gigs, about half of them were for private events, and half public shows. My daughter started kindergarten(!!!), which leaves my son now as top-dog at his preschool. I put the finishing touches on a brand new album that I released in August/September (did you get it yet?!?!? Click here if not....). I caught some epic waves throughout October. I got exhausted towards the end of the year, and fortunately now is my time to re-generate. The next few months are my 'slow' season for private gigs, and I'm putting everything I have into trying to get my music out there - I owe my last album "Inside Your Head" some serious love and attention, as I really couldn't promote it much after I released it a few months back, due to that whole busy nonsense. Now is also the time for me to concentrate just on the music, write new songs, finish older ones, perform really cool concerts of all-original music, and just bask in music, hang out with my family, re-connect with friends, see a couple shows, get in some waves, and work on keeping my beer-belly in check:) Now, here are some really exciting things coming up very soon:

Rock in the Park Concert Series featuring Michael Tiernan at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park starts THIS FRIDAY!!!
I've been asked to be the opening act for each show in this AWESOME monthly concert series, now in it's second year. Check out the roster here and check out a show! We're kicking it off this Friday, January 16th with headliner Tim Flannery and the Lunatic Fringe! Many of you know Tim from his time with the San Diego Padres, and most recentlly, winning 2 pennants as 3rd base coach for the San Francisco Giants. My good friend Barbara Nesbitt is in town from Austin, TX, singing w/ Tim's band, and she just might be singin' a couple of mine w/ me! This concert is going to be great - tickets are still available. Doors are at 7:00, and I go on at 7:30 sharp! I really do hope to see you there! ********************************************* Acoustic Wednesdays extended through 2015 at En Fuego Cantina in Del Mar, kicks off TONIGHT!
My ongoing series at En Fuego is better than ever, and we're taking it into the New Year!! With friends dropping by just to jam or hang out, it's always a spontaneous and fun time. It's a time for me to try new songs, rehash old covers, or make one up right on the spot! If you're in the North County Area tonight or the next few Wednesdays, join us for some serious musical mayhem, 7:00 til 9:30. Tonight's guest (January 14th): Gabriela Aparicio www.gabrielamusic.com Special Guest January 21st: The Amazing Jonny Tarr January 28th: Lee Coulter takes the whole night! (I won't be there, but go see Lee!!) February 4th: Special Guest Christine Parker www.christineparkermusic.com *************************************************
Special Concert and Golf Tournament in support of the Stotsenberg family February 9th at Lomas Santa Fe Golf Club Freaking cancer, striking again, and another amazing human being rising to the challenge and showing us how resilient and strong a person can be. My good friend Jed Stotsenberg was diagnosed a few months ago with advanced Thyroid Cancer. His surgeries and treatment have been going excellent, and Jed is doing great, but he and his wife are also self-employed, and it has meant a lot of down time for Jed and no income from his private volleyball coaching career. His friends and I are throwing him one hell of a fun day with a fundraiser of golf and music this February 9th at the Lomas Santa Fe Golf Club. There are still a few spots left on the course if you want to join, and there is plenty of room for the dinner and show afterwards. Come help us help Jed, Kristen, and their son Noa! Click here for information and here to register a golfer or get tickets for the show. Gonna be super fun! ***************************** Phew! You made it to the bottom of the newsletter - congratulations! And THANK YOU for keeping up on the news and the music. It is so much appreciated! Here's to a wonderful 2015, and I hope to see you out at a show soon. Michael Tiernan www.tiernantunes.com Buy the new album, "Inside Your Head" here!http://www.tiernantunes.com/#!music/c10tw